"Managing building maintenance with confidence"
This course will help you manage your maintenance responsibilities more effectively and avoid unnecessary cost, damage or down time. Our highly experienced trainer will help you anticipate problems and plan preventative maintenance both inside and outside buildings, including lease commitments, instructing surveyors and interpreting reports.
This course combined with Understanding & Managing Building Services provides tuition for IWFM Level 4 qualification unit FM4.17
Signs & cost of poor design & neglect
Life cycle costing & predicting running costs
Building certification & the Part L Regulations
The Equality Act, asbestos, fire and H&S issues
Lease commitments, service charges, dilapidations
Fabric maintenance; external structure & cladding
Surveying building services installations
Environmental issues
Implementing fabric maintenance works
Structural audits & condition surveys
Planned & preventative maintenance
Virtual courses 1 day
To view our latest training programme please
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