"Understand the key concepts to develop a target and roadmap to achieve net zero"
Stating a Net Zero target is becoming a pre-requisite to work for many larger and public sector organisations particularly with the recent Government requirement for GHG reporting for larger organisations providing services. But alongside the target must be a plan to achieve this that goes beyond offsetting. Greater scrutiny on the depth and robustness of these targets and plans are highlighting what good practice looks like and also where organisations are greenwashing.
This course covers the development of the greenhouse gas emissions inventory for an organisation, together with the development of a target and a roadmap to achieve net zero. It follows the new Standard for GHG reporting for FM services.
Understanding terminology and key concepts surrounding net zero
Government targets, public sector tender requirements and expectations
Providing a methodology to build a net zero roadmap
Running through a worked example
Provision of the SFMI GHG Emissions Standard for FMs
Overview of renewable purchasing and offsetting and how to use them appropriately
Virtual courses 2 morning sessions
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